Welcome to SFS Ireland

Piloting the way to a net-zero aviation industry

With over 30 years in the aviation industry, the SFS Ireland team has developed a wide network of stakeholders along the SAF supply chain.

Industry led

Responsible SAF in Ireland

The prosperity of our planet is at the center of our mission, as we strive to achieve a net-zero aviation future through collaboration and dialogue.

Data driven

We use the latest data to provide a solid foundation for up-to-date and informed decision-making in this dynamic environment.
SFS Ireland
Our Company Mission Statement revolves around reducing Aviation's Environmental Impact by advancing the development of Sustainable Aviation Fuel

We specialise in:

  • SAF Supply Chain Analysis
  • Early Stage SAF Project Development
  • SAF Project Collaboration and Consulting 
  • Pilot Scale SAF R&D project support


We are Airline Pilots, Business managers, Engineers and Environmentalists, all with a passion for Aviation and our Environment. Our strength is in our people. We have developed a diverse range of experts for all things aviation, sustainability and energy.

We want to contribute to the reduction of the sector’s environmental impact by bringing together the aviation industry, all stakeholders of the SAF supply chain, and academia to drive the production and implementation of SAF in Ireland and worldwide.